Favorite litter picture memories

[23 August 2020] A rainbow hits after a shower – this is my earliest garbage grabber. It did not last long. I do not recommend grabbers with elastic grips inside. They will not last.
[22 September 2020] Nice place for an underage drinking party? 15% fruity alcohol
[23 Sep 2020] My forearm looks strong after litter cleanup much of the summer. I found an American flag by my trash can. I took it as a sign the sanitation workers and park service respected my efforts. Some people say I’m a “good citizen” as a compliment.
[27 September 2020] Our Philadelphia sun was setting earlier and earlier. I loved scenes and moments like this at the end of my trashabouts. It’s right near my most used trash can / litter bin.
[22 October 2020] Our Fairmount Waterworks area is a popular wedding site. I guess the celebration included littering this upscale looking bottle of water
[28 Dec 2020] I found littered Yoda Harry Potter mask – it is a trophy now stored for a Christmas decoration
[20 January 2021] Rocky lifts litter in the city of Philadelphia
[10 March 2021] Some litter just makes you laugh – and I loved the art and style here – it feels like my generation
[21 March 2021] I found a littered water bill from the year 1971 – five years before I was born. I hope it was paid.

I hope I can share more fun litter collection memory pictures soon. Thanks for looking

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